Share Four Somethings - April 2024
I still can't get over how fast these months fly by! I'm convinced that it's a by-product of aging! Ha ha. Join me (Jennifer and other bloggers) on my recap of April.
Something Loved: No pictures were captured, but we had dinner with dear friends who live in New York. I was reminded of our sweet times of . . .
Posted in: sharefoursomethings
Share Four Somethings - March 2024
March is my birthday month and I managed to stretch the day into a week of celebration. Check out my recap and then go over to Jennifer's blog to read her post and those of other writers.
Something Loved: Jonathan and I were able to get away to Birmingham for a few days to celebrate my birthday. . . .
Share Four Somethings - February 2024
Well, we had an extra day in February due to "leap year", but I still needed an extra few days to write out my wrap-up for the month. Join me, along with Jennifer and the other writers for a look back at February.
Something Loved: A weekend away with my daughters and 5 other friends! We met at a lovely cabin in the . . .
Posted in: sharefoursomethings
Five Minute Friday Challenge
"Consume" - to do away with completely, to spend wastefully or use up, to eat or drink in excess, to enjoy avidly, to engage fully, to utilize as a customer.
We are all consumers of something. We consume food and drink, social media, and other forms of entertainment. Lately, I've been more cognizant of my consumption of all of . . .
Posted in: five-minute fridayfmfparty
Share Four Somethings - January 2024
I don't know about you, but I do appreciate the beginning of the new year. They seem to roll around all too quickly, the older I get, though. I like the freshness of a new calendar and new possibilities. I do not make resolutions, nor did I choose a "word for the year". Oh well, it's ok. Things and seasons change. Speaking of change... . . .
Posted in: sharefoursomethings
Five Minute Friday Challenge
The other morning I was reading James 3:1-12 which talks about the tongue and whether or not it can be controlled. Verse 2 reads, "For we all stumble in many ways. If anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is mature..." I don't know about you, but many times I have felt that I've said the wrong thing, in the wrong way, or at . . .
Posted in: five-minute fridayfmfparty
Share Four Somethings - December
Wow, we have come to the final day of 2023, at least that is when I've started to write this. It has been an interesting year for sure. During Advent, the season of waiting, I found myself in the "both/and" of life. Some joy mingled with sadness, but choosing to trust God with it all. Once again I'm joining Jennifer and the other writers in . . .
Posted in: sharefoursomethings