July is coming to a close and here is my glance back at what was. Check out Jennifer's blog and the other writers who linked up this month.
Something Loved: My husband came home from errands the other day with a new bird feeder and seed. We have enjoyed watching the different birds - sparrows, robins, blue jays, cardinals and chickadees as they come to eat. It has been a bit of an adventure trying to discourage squirrels from the area, however. So far the slinky on the pole and cayenne pepper birdseed have mostly worked as a deterrent, but haven't prevented the birdies from enjoying the feast!
Something Accomplished: I dislike cleaning out closets, but alas, I found myself needing to clean out some clothes this month. I had received a recent Stitch Fix order and decided if I was going to keep the items, I needed to get rid of the same amount. Mission accomplished! I even removed some winter items and placed them in a different closet, for now.
Something Improved: Did I mention, I don't like to clean out closets? I was on a roll, so I moved on to the catch-all closet in my office. I managed to rearrange, purge, and break a piece of stoneware (oh well into the trash it went). Ah...I always feel so much lighter when I clean.
Something Noticed: This lovely sunset!