Focus Upward

Share Four Somethings - September 2024

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It's time again to review my month. I'm joining other writers on Jennifer's blog, so you can check those out, too! 

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Something Loved: I love to look through my phone pictures and I found this gem a week or so ago. It's my Dad with 2 of his sisters, who are no longer with us. (Aunt Verna is on the left and Aunt . . .

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September 29, 2024

Musings that Matter

Five Minute Friday Challenge

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Recently, I celebrated a life well lived by an aunt and recalled the 10th anniversary of my Grandmother's passing. It feels like too many friends have also lost loved ones in recent weeks. As I grow older, I've been thinking more and more about what truly matters. Life can be hard, and as cliche as it sounds; I don't know how . . .

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September 22, 2024

Share Four Somethings - August 2024

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Here we are well into September already and I'm still thinking about August. More specifically, the end of August. I'm calling this: August Share Four Somethings - Reunion Edition! 

Something Loved: I loved going home to Salem, Ohio to attend my 40th high school reunion and to spend time with my parents. They have lived . . .

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September 08, 2024

Share Four Somethings - July 2024

Silvrback blog image July is coming to a close and here is my glance back at what was. Check out Jennifer's blog and the other writers who linked up this month. 

Something Loved: My husband came home from errands the other day with a new bird feeder and seed. We have enjoyed watching the different birds - sparrows, robins, blue jays, . . .

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July 30, 2024

Share Four Somethings - June 2024

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July is quickly upon us, as in tomorrow. Here is my look back at June! Join me and the other writers on Jennifer's blog as we Share Four Somethings

Something Loved: James Taylor. We were blessed to be able to attend his concert in Nashville this month. At 76, he is still going strong and sounds great! Here is a link to . . .

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June 30, 2024

Share Four Somethings - May 2024

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I feel like a broken record, another month has zipped by! It's time for another look back at my month. Join me, Jennifer, and the other bloggers as we share May's Share Four Somethings

Something Loved: Time away with my husband as we celebrated 35 years of marriage on May 20th! We spent a few days in Gatlinburg walking . . .

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June 02, 2024

Share Four Somethings - April 2024


Silvrback blog imageI still can't get over how fast these months fly by! I'm convinced that it's a by-product of aging! Ha ha. Join me (Jennifer and other bloggers) on my recap of April. 

 Something Loved: No pictures were captured, but we had dinner with dear friends who live in New York. I was reminded of our sweet times of . . .

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April 28, 2024


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