Share Four Somethings - January 2025
Happy New Year! I love the fresh start a new calendar brings - full of empty spaces that I can fill with pretty pen colors. Join me on this ride through January as I (along with Jennifer and the other bloggers) share some fresh "Some Things" for 2025!
Some Things:
LOVED: I always love a good trip. Due to . . .
Posted in: sharefoursomethings
Share Four Somethings - December 2024
Here I am, a little late to the end-of-2024 party, but posting nonetheless! I hope you enjoy my walk through December, as we start 2025. As always, check out Jennifer's blog to see what the other writers did in December.
Something Loved: We were blessed to have both daughters home for about 10 days! We ate, rested, crocheted, . . .
Posted in: sharefoursomethings
Share Four Somethings - November 2o24
Come along for a quick trip through my November journey! You can also read Jennifer's blog and the other writers' blogs here.
Something Loved: Time with family and friends for Thanksgiving. I was glad to have 2 days off and enjoyed cooking with my oldest daughter. Our friends, Melanie and Carol, joined us this year, . . .
Posted in: sharefoursomethings
Five Minute Friday Challenge
Have you ever had an experience with hearing (or sensing) the Lord's voice and knowing it was Him? I had that experience with a box the other morning. (Balaam had a donkey, I had a box.)
I left for work at my usual time, while it was still dark outside. I noticed something on the road. At first, it appeared to be something . . .
Posted in: five-minute fridayfmfparty
Share Four Somethings - October 2024
How can it already be the last few days of October? I'm not ready for Thanksgiving, let alone, Christmas...but they will be here before we know it! Enjoy my monthly retrospective. I'm joining up with Jennifer and the other bloggers here.
Something Loved: Once again, our daughters came home for our youngest's birthday and I didn't take . . .
Posted in: sharefoursomethings
Five Minute Friday Challenge
"Undecided" - not having made a decision, opposite of being certain, confident.
I don't know about you, but some days, I can be undecided about many things; what to wear, what to eat, should I read or do housework, etc. We have so many choices and at times, it can feel overwhelming!
However, I find comfort in . . .
Posted in: fmfparty
Share Four Somethings - September 2024
It's time again to review my month. I'm joining other writers on Jennifer's blog, so you can check those out, too!
Something Loved: I love to look through my phone pictures and I found this gem a week or so ago. It's my Dad with 2 of his sisters, who are no longer with us. (Aunt Verna is on the left and Aunt . . .
Posted in: sharefoursomethings