Focus Upward


Five Minute Friday Challenge

Silvrback blog imageDeserve - "to do something or have or show qualities worthy of reward or punishment". So often I think of this word in the negative. We all are aware of our sinful nature, Romans 3:23 says "for we all have sinned and are in need of the glory of God."  My sin deserves punishment. The enemy would love for us to wallow in that. However, God . . .

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July 05, 2021

May - Share Four Somethings

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I'm almost late, since it's the last day of May, but here we go! My offering for Share Four Somethings! I missed the "deadline" to link up with the others, but I pray you are blessed by my observations of God's goodness and that you'll check out another writer or two! 


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May 31, 2021

My Trust is In His Hand

Silvrback blog imageI have been reading my way through I Chronicles for the last several weeks; following along with the First 5 app, by Proverbs 31 Ministries. Some of the genealogy lists are long and seem tedious. However, I have come to realize, that each person is mentioned for a reason. I don't always grasp the significance, but these were real people who . . .

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April 19, 2020


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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Here's a glimpse from my journal this morning as I read Psalms 111-112 and the First 5 app devotional.

Good morning, Daddy! I'm so glad You just want me! I don't HAVE to write or perform. You just want my heart! In a culture that wants us "to do". You just want me "to be". It goes against the grain.

We are to be in the world . . .

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May 29, 2019


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