Focus Upward


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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//I don't know about you, but sometimes I am more prone to see the "lack" in my life, rather than the abundance. You know the drill...comparing myself to others; lack of time, lack of self-confidence, or feel like I don't have x, y, or z.  

This is a lie from the enemy. God is a God of abundance! The Lord has . . .

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April 16, 2019


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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//Offer: to present as an act of worship, to utter prayers of thanksgiving, to declare one’s willingness or readiness, to make available.   

During this season of Lent, I’m reminded of God’s immense sacrifice for me, for us. He did not have to offer His Son as the one and only Sacrifice that would . . .

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April 05, 2019


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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The last couple of weeks I have asked Jesus what I'm supposed to write about for the Five Minute Friday Challenge. He has been so faithful to answer that prayer. I know I shouldn't be surprised, but yet, I am. He has poured into me during my time in the Word and as I have journaled. is an expert from my journal on . . .

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March 19, 2019


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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// I'm learning so much from the book, It's All Under Control, by Jennifer Dukes Lee. I have known for a long time that I need to give Jesus more control of my life, but this book has really hit almost "too close to home". 

In Chapter 12, entitled "Whole", Jennifer talks about not being a fragmented person. I don't need to see . . .

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March 12, 2019


A Five Minute Friday Challenge


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These days it seems like I am always searching. An item I've misplaced, peace, contentment, or even searching my mind for the right word... "it's on the tip of my tongue". I've also noticed that others are searching too: for keys, books, more time, rest, status, or for meaning in this life. 

. . .

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March 03, 2019


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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I've been reading through Proverbs and a few days ago the daily reading was focused on walking in integrity and not being a fool. The author shared that Proverbs 19:1 in the AMPC adds 1 word to describe a fool; a "[self-confident] fool". The author of the devotional then said, "the ultimate description of a fool is one who relies . . .

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February 20, 2019


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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Psalm 10:1 (The Message) "God, are you avoiding me? Where are you when I need you?"

Have you ever felt like David? Unsure of "where" God is? 

Looking back over the past few months, I have felt that way, at times. I truly sensed I had heard from God and pursued a new position at work. Still with the same . . .

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February 06, 2019


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