Focus Upward
December - Share 4 Somethings
Wow, here we are not only at the end of the month but at the end of another year! Heather posted the Share Four Somethings post a week early, because of Christmas, and I'm a week late, for the same reason! I hope you have enjoyed my monthly posts on Share Four Somethings in 2021. Currently, I'm planning on doing this again in 2022, but . . .
Posted in: choosesharefoursomethings
November Share Four Somethings
and Five Minute Friday Challenge
Nourish means to sustain with food; to supply with what is necessary for life, health, and growth; to cherish, to strengthen, build up or promote.
October Share Four Somethings
And then there were ten. Ten months completed. Well, almost, there are a few days left after I post this. Hope you enjoy my Share Four Somethings this month and you can check out the other writers here!
Something Loved: My husband and I recently made a fun new purchase to help with the upcoming holiday baking! It works like a dream . . .
Posted in: sharefoursomethings
September - Share Four Somethings
Wow, 9 months finished, just 3 more to go in 2021! Yes, it's time once again for Share Four Somethings!
Last month I was looking ahead to new eyeglasses! My prescription didn't change too much, but I was ready for new frames. Here is a side-by-side with my old glasses/new glasses; and happy to report I can . . .
Posted in: booksreflectionssharefoursomethings
August - Share Four Somethings
Another month has flown by and I'm sitting down to write Share Four Somethings; another brief glimpse into my ordinary, everyday life in TN. Last month I was looking ahead to co-leading a new Bible study (Growing Slow by Jennifer Dukes Lee). It was a great morning of fellowship, looking into the Scriptures, and . . .
Posted in: sharefoursomethings
July - Share Four Somethings
I say this in my head every month, "Is it really time for Share Four Somethings, already?" Yes, folks it really is!! In TN our summer is coming quickly to an end with teachers and students back in school over the next 2 weeks. I pray you are blessed by my stroll through this month of memories. Please share in the comments below . . .
Posted in: sharefoursomethings
June - Share Four Somethings
Wow! In just a few short days, another month will have passed. We are almost halfway through 2021. I even remembered earlier in the week that this was the weekend for Share Four Somethings! I pray you are blessed by my stroll through the month of memories. God is so amazing and I am thankful that He chose me and I'm choosing to follow . . .
Posted in: sharefoursomethings