Focus Upward

Thirteen - round 2

A Five Minute Friday - continuation

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A few days ago I posted a little exercise of praising God through the alphabet, with the 1st thirteen letters...and now here's the rest of the alphabet! 

God is Near, Omnipotent (all-powerful)  my Peace, Quiet, my Rest and Redeemer, Savior, Truth, Understanding, Victory, Wonderful, X-tra-ordinary, Y . . .

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August 02, 2018


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

Silvrback blog image children are definitely older than that...and I realized that 13 is half of 26 and there are 26 letters in the alphabet. The Lord prompted me to share an exercise (and I may have written about this before) that our family has done for many years. Praising God through the alphabet for His attributes; who He is! I'll do 13 . . .

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July 29, 2018


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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The first thing that popped into my mind with the word of the week was the passage from Isaiah 55:8-9: 

“My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord. And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than . . .

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July 22, 2018


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

Silvrback blog image I was struck afresh with a passage in Philippians 4. There is a list of "whatever is..." statements. 

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." . . .

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July 05, 2018


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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Fly, GO!

Several years ago I kept reading and listening to folks speak about eagles. I was fascinated by the majestic creature. Of course, Isaiah 40:28-31 is one of my favorite Scripture passages.  

Here are a few things I've learned. Eagles are “able to soar without actually flapping their wings.” . . .

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June 13, 2018


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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"Return" - to go or come back, as to a former place, position, or state. 

This past Sunday, we "returned" to some good memories of the last 8 years with our pastor, as this was his last day with our congregation. It's amazing to remember what our church was like 8 years ago and to see where the Lord has brought us today. . . .

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June 07, 2018


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

Silvrback blog imageToday I am finally pausing to finish the blog with the Five Minute Friday word from May 25th. "PAUSE".

The other night, I was watching tv and got a phone call and went to hit pause on the remote, but it just kept playing. I had to be more intentional to make sure I hit that little button in the right spot on the remote before the tv . . .

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May 31, 2018


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