Focus Upward

June - Share Four Somethings

Silvrback blog imageWow! In just a few short days, another month will have passed. We are almost halfway through 2021. I even remembered earlier in the week that this was the weekend for Share Four Somethings! I pray you are blessed by my stroll through the month of memories. God is so amazing and I am thankful that He chose me and I'm choosing to follow . . .

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June 27, 2021

May - Share Four Somethings

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I'm almost late, since it's the last day of May, but here we go! My offering for Share Four Somethings! I missed the "deadline" to link up with the others, but I pray you are blessed by my observations of God's goodness and that you'll check out another writer or two! 


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May 31, 2021

April - Share Four Somethings

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I think I say this every month, but it seems like time is flying through the months. It's already the end of April and time for Share Four Somethings! I pray you are blessed by my observations of God's goodness and that you'll check out another writer or two through the link.

Something Loved: The smell of fresh-cut grass, . . .

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April 30, 2021


Five Minute Friday Challenge

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I love my instant pot. It cooks dinner in a fraction of the time of my old crockpot and to me, it feels safer. (Hello-that horrifying episode of This Is Us, where we lost our favorite and most important character of the tv series.) The instant pot builds up pressure and heat inside and has a little valve that you either let . . .

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April 11, 2021

March - Share Four Somethings

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Another month is almost "in the books" and it's time for Share Four Somethings! I pray you are blessed by my observations of God's goodness and that you'll check out another writer or two through the link. 


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Something Loved: Last month, my "something ahead" was Spring and it has definitely sprung . . .

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March 31, 2021


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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By Your shed blood, I am redeemed. 

You have bought me back from the penalty of sin, I am redeemed! 

I no longer need to fear, I am redeemed.

I no longer need to doubt, I am redeemed!

Because of You, the GREAT I AM, I am redeemed.

You loved me first and loved me best, I am redeemed! 

I am . . .

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March 21, 2021


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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Last weekend I had the opportunity to attend the virtual If Gathering. What a blessing it was. I learned or rather was reminded of so many things: God is able; don't put a period, if God is not done with your story; don't settle for kiddie-pool Christianity, but go out into the deep and be anchored to Him! So many good lessons by so . . .

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March 14, 2021


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