Welcome to cold, snowy February and my offering of Share Four Somethings. I've posted this on Jennifer's blog, along with a few other writers this month.
LOVED: Time with friends at the SonShine in my Soul ladies retreat on Saturday. I signed up several weeks ago and had a moment of panic this past week when I thought I had missed it. Then, I realized it was still upcoming. I was so relieved and looked forward to the time away. The one-day event did not disappoint. God met me where I was, as I listened to Allison Allen share her own stories of being seen by God and then being able to see others. My heart and soul were uplifted and rejuvenated as I spent time in His presence with 175 sisters in Christ.
LEARNED: I have felt a little stuck in a rut and have not written as much in the past year. Oh, I've kept up with my Share Four Somethings posts, but I have neglected journaling and the Five Minute Friday posts that I used to enjoy. Through Holley Gerth's You Version Study Let There Be Writing, the Lord reminded me that I am here at this time in history for a reason. My words matter because He lives in me and I matter. Of course, this isn't new, but it feels like a reawakening of my writing gift. I have been using excuses, lack of inspiration, and lack of time for not writing. In reality, I need to steward my time better, and as Nike used to say, "just do it".
THAT WENT WELL: My reading! I have read every day this month and most days for 25 minutes or more! These are the 2 books I finished this month and my monthly reading stats from Bookly.
I LET GO OF...Needing to feel that my writing has to be perfect before I can hit send on blog posts or that I need to have some glorious bow wrapped up on what God is teaching me. This will be an ongoing goal. So here is to being a little more real, a little more unpolished, but prayerfully writing with a bit of wisdom gleaned from my years of walking with Jesus. I'm fully trusting Him to use whatever He wants, for whomever He chooses to bless from my offering to Him.