"Original" - beginning, first, as a painting from which a copy can be made, independent or creative in thought and action.
I make photocopies at work, such as maps and spreadsheet logs. I have originals of all I make, but sometimes I grab a copy of the document and put that in the photocopier. As I was doing this one day, I realized that after the first 10 copies came out, the lines on the spreadsheet were crooked and the words on the map were more faint and almost unreadable. So, even though I tried to cut down on time, the end product was not fully usable. Then, I found the "original" of the document, made copies and was satisfied with the end product.
That got me thinking about my life, and Ephesians 2:10 came to mind.
"For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago." (New Living Translation)
I am an original, made by God; I am His masterpiece. Thankfully, He didn't just mass-produce Adam and Eve throughout the ages. Each person is an individual, created in His image (Genesis 1:26) and capable of being independent and creative in thought and action.
We all are unique and placed here at this point in history to make a difference for His glory!
What has God called you to do? How can you use His gifts to spread His love and joy to another person you encounter? Even a smile, or a short word of encouragement can change a person's day from good to great.
Kate posts a single word each week and each blogger sets a timer for 5 minutes to write and then posts, with little editing. Check out the other writers this week!