Focus Upward

February 2023 - Share Four Somethings

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Welcome to the end of February! I'm linking up with Jennifer Goodwin on her Overflowing with Thankfulness blog.  

Check out her blog and the other writers who are contributing this month.

Something Loved: As part of my job, I haul supplies of masks and stickers to the screening tables at . . .

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February 28, 2023


Five Minute Friday Challenge

Silvrback blog imageWe have had some harsh winter weather in TN for a few days here and there over the past month. It is difficult to ignore the warnings of the local meteorologists. We have had "red alert" weather days for extreme cold (zero degrees with below zero wind chills), excessive rain, and also some freezing rain/sleet/snow mixtures. I am thankful they . . .

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February 06, 2023

January 2023 - Share Four Somethings

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Happy January and Happy 2023 to you all! I can hardly believe we are already near the end of the month. How did it happen so fast? I'm excited to be joining with some familiar (to me) bloggers at a new spot with Jennifer Goodwin on her Overflowing with Thankfulness blog. I've been following her since Heather announced the change . . .

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January 30, 2023

December 2022 - Share Four Somethings

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Join me as I link up with other writers for this month's journey as we come to the close of 2022.

Something Loved: I have loved being part of this community of "Share Four Somethings" for the past 2 years. Heather Gerwing hosted for 5 years and now is passing on the hosting duties to Jennifer Goodwin, who will . . .

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December 29, 2022

November 2022 - Share Four Somethings

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Something Loved: As I read over last month's post, I realized that November's would start off in a similar way. I loved that our family was together again for Thanksgiving. It's always fun to hear the banter between our adult daughters and to play games. This year I also loved that we tried some new variations of our . . .

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November 29, 2022


Five Minute Friday Challenge

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Perform - to carry out, do; to act or carry out an action; to give a performance. 

Looking back over my life, I have performed a lot! I was in children's choirs at church, numerous piano recitals, and high school choirs in which I sang or played the piano as an accompanist. In college, I was a vocal major and spent 4 years . . .

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November 10, 2022

Day 31 - Me

31 - Day Writing Challenge 2022 - Prayers on Being - Grateful, Thankful and Blessed

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"Be gracious to me, God, according to your faithful love; according to your abundant compassion...Surely you desire integrity in the inner self, and you teach me wisdom deep within...God, create a clean heart for me and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not banish me from your . . .

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October 31, 2022


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