Focus Upward


Five Minute Friday Challenge & Day 15 of Write 31 Days 2021

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When I was a kid the only good thing about going to the dentist was the treasure box. I got to dig into it to find a treasure of some little toy to take home. I'm sure it lost its allure after a few days (or maybe only a few hours) once it got home. Those toys are long gone and have been replaced by bigger and more expensive toys and . . .

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October 17, 2021


Five Minute Friday Challenge & Day 8 of Write 31 Days 2021

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It all started innocently enough, I sat down one evening with my crochet and it started pulling too tightly. Drats, I had a knot in my yarn. I worked it out and kept going..another tug...time to stop.

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I decided to figure out why it kept getting knotted and about 15 minutes later it was a complete and utter mess.Silvrback blog image

This had . . .

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October 13, 2021


Five Minute Friday Challenge & Day 1 of Write 31 Days 2021


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Welcome to October! Kate Motaung from Five Minute Friday is hosting the 31 Day Writing Challenge -  2021. I have participated in the past (see bonus links below) and didn't think I'd do it this year. However, as I prayed about it, she shared that you don't even have to post every day, but the challenge is to write for at . . .

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October 03, 2021

Celebrating 5 Years!

(and a Five Minute Friday Exercise)

Silvrback blog imageYes, you read that correctly! 5 years ago on this very day, I wrote my first blog! 

I started this blog because of the gentle nudging from the Lord. A friend at a conference also shared a "word from the Lord" that there was "writing in my fingertips". Over the years, I have trusted Him with what He has given me. I feel that my . . .

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September 22, 2021


Five Minute Friday Challenge

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//Back in November 2007, after several trips to the local humane society, my husband and daughters finally persuaded me to rescue a dog. Now mind you, I grew up with cats, never had a dog in my life. But, I signed the papers to bring this 6-year-old black lab home and rescue her from most likely losing her sweet life too early. Sophie . . .

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September 12, 2021


Five Minute Friday Challenge

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Accountability, the state of being accountable, "subject to the obligation to report, explain, or justify something; responsible; answerable." We are all accountable or responsible to someone or something. Children are accountable to their parents for their behavior. Employees are accountable to their employers to follow the . . .

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August 17, 2021


Five Minute Friday Challenge

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 //I don't know about you, but I like to have things in order. I prefer my house to be somewhat neat. I prefer my office and desk to have things organized and I truly love to have my life "in order". However, that is harder and harder to come by as I grow older and realize that I am not in control! 

Recently we were at a . . .

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July 25, 2021


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