A Five Minute Friday Challenge
What joy I am finding in my weekends. The rhythm of work with the respite of some time off; being at home. It brings a bit normalcy to my soul during this abnormal time. But, what is "normal'? Webster defines it as "conforming to a standard or regular pattern."
What is normal for one person, maybe quite abnormal for another. We do . . .
Posted in: five-minute fridayfmfparty
A Five Minute Friday Challenge
As I was pondering this week's prompt, "distraction", I was only thinking of the negative side. As in when I think of something I need to do during my prayer time. I get distracted from focusing on Jesus.
Then I had an "aha" moment. There is a positive side to distraction. The definition is simply this, "an object that directs one's . . .
Posted in: five-minute fridayfmfparty
Five Minute Friday Challenge
The prompt for this week is TOMORROW. In a world that has been turned upside-down, I find hope in tomorrow. I also find an uneasiness, because we don't know what tomorrow will bring. Every day brings change, more bad news. However, I know the answer, I know who holds tomorrow! JESUS!!
That is who I am focusing on. Jesus is Life, . . .
Posted in: five-minute fridayfmfparty
Come to the Table
A Five Minute Friday Challenge
As I look around my home, I see many tables. End tables that hold books and lamps; our large coffee table which supports our tv. The dining room table where meals are shared, books are read, laundry is folded and games are played. I'm also reminded of an important table where I gather with others monthly. A place where grace is shared . . .
Posted in: five-minute fridayfmfparty
A Five Minute Friday Challenge
As I was having my time in the Word the other morning, I realized I was not enjoying my Bible reading as I have in the past. Where are You, Lord? Why am I get bogged down in Ezekiel and also can't find anything to hold onto in II Timothy?
It was then that I realized that I had not been asking Jesus to give me wisdom or insight as I . . .
Posted in: faithfive-minute fridayfmfpartyno fear
A Five Minute Friday Challenge
A large portion of my job involves giving directions to people so they can find the clinic they need to be in. I've noticed that some people walk straight past the desk, with no eye contact and keep going on their way. I assume they have been here before and know where they are going. Others make eye contact, but go on over to the . . .
Posted in: five-minute fridayfmfparty
A Five Minute Friday Challenge
Recently, I was reading Isaiah 54:10,
"Though the mountains move and the hills shake, my love will not be removed from you and my covenant of peace will not be shaken,” says your compassionate Lord." (CSB)
I love the promise in this verse. Even when things feel shaky, God's faithful, . . .
Posted in: adventfive-minute fridayfmfparty