Focus Upward

"Live loved"

Write 31 Days Challenge - Day 16

Chapter 3 from "Uninvited" by Lysa TerKeurst took me on a journey to "live loved" and to step away from the busyness of life. I love the quote in the picture. Jesus was never in a hurry. I was even more thrilled when I noticed the italicizes words form an acronym. (Yes, I love acronyms and just shared one a few days ago.) In order to "live . . .

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October 16, 2016

Rest and Fun

Write 31 Days Challenge - Day 15

Wow, today marks the halfway point of my journey in the Write 31 Days Challenge. I have met some new friends along the way. I have learned some things about myself, become more disciplined and decided I really do enjoy writing. I am also in a period of transition and learning how to take time for myself. It's ok and necessary to just "be". I . . .

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October 15, 2016

Seeing Clearly

Write 31 Days - Day 14

loading....On a recent trip it was quite obvious that I needed new windshield wiper blades. The inability of the old ones to clear the pelting rain was the major factor. I really wasn't resisting buying wiper blades, I just kept forgetting to stop at the auto parts store; or maybe I knew there would be too many choices and I didn't want to face the . . .

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October 14, 2016


Write 31 Days Challenge - Day 13



Yesterday I shared my life verse from Zephaniah 3:17 and how I can picture myself dancing with Jesus. This image has not always been easy, but as I get older, it comes more often. Over the weekend I was part of a team leading a retreat and a friend of mine shared some thoughts on using DANCE as this acronym.


. . .

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October 13, 2016

Life Verse

Write 31 Days Challenge - Day 12

My life verse is Zephaniah 3:17

loading....I come back to it, again and again. It brings comfort to my soul. Here is how I would personalize it.

"Pam, my daughter, I am the Lord your God, I am living among you and I am your mighty Savior. I take great delight, great pleasure, in you. It is not what you do, but who you are; and I do it . . .

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October 12, 2016

Keep Calm and ....

Write 31 Days Challenge - Day 11

I enjoy reading the "Keep Calm and..." graphics on social media. Some are funny, some are serious. 

I was chatting with my daughter the other day and she asked if I knew what the original "keep calm..." was and I did not. She shared that it was "Keep Calm and Carry On." So, I googled that phrase and here is what I found on Wikipedia . . .

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October 11, 2016

Is God Good?

Write 31 Days Challenge - Day 10

During my 31 days of writing this month, I'm also reading Lysa TerKeurst's fascinating book, "Uninvited". (I blogged about chapter 1 here.) In chapter 2 she challenges us to develop an "intimacy-based identity" and asks the reader to answer 3 questions: 

1. Is God good? I can say with confidence, that yes, God is good. Some days I . . .

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October 10, 2016


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