Focus Upward

God is in the Fixing Business

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Welcome to chapter 16 of "Uninvited" by Lysa TerKeurst. It has taken me almost a year to finish this series. Part of it was a new job and the other part? Well, I learned so much and grew so much, it was hard to see it end. I am a different person than I was in September of 2016! Praise the Lord! I feel as if God has peeled off some rough . . .

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Posted in: uninvited

September 28, 2017

A Year of Blogging!

Happy 1st Anniversary

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Wow, I can't believe I've been writing for 1 year today. The picture above is a small collage from some of my personal favorites from the past year.

Thank you to all who have read and encouraged me along the way. I know I have more stories and more insights to share. The Lord isn't finished with me yet. The last month or so has . . .

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September 22, 2017

We All Need Support

A Five Minute Challenge

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The prompt this week is: Support - Go!
Support means "to bear or hold up, to give assistance, to be actively interested in and concerned for the success of a person or cause". 
I love the idea of being supported and also being supportive of others. Over the years, my parents, . . .

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September 17, 2017

I Want to Run Away

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I was intrigued by the title of this chapter. I remember when I was little I'd "threaten" my parents that they were being unfair and I was going to run away. I may have a little tiny area in the yard across the street. Needless to say, I wasn't gone long and could have been found easily. 

At times, rejection makes us . . .

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Posted in: uninvited

September 11, 2017


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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The prompt this week is: Work, GO! 

Work is a "4 letter word". Ha ha, that popped into my head this morning, as I was pondering where this post would go. Sometimes work as in a job, or a workout for exercise is not so fun...something we have to do. It has a negative connotation.  

There have been days that . . .

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September 09, 2017

A Neighborly Haiku

A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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The prompt this week is "Neighbor", GO!

I saw the prompt and it was fairly obvious what the "slant" of my post should be. Be a good neighbor, especially in the wake of the devastation from Hurricane Harvey. It left a path of destruction from TX, through TN (where I live) and even out to the east coast. I've watched much of it on . . .

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September 02, 2017


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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The prompt this week is: GUIDE, GO! 

My husband, Jonathan, and I took dancing lessons as a present to ourselves for our 20th wedding anniversary (8 years ago) and as a favor to a friend. Little did we know that we would love dancing so much! It is a great way to get some exercise and meet new friends. However, the underlying . . .

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August 26, 2017


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