Focus Upward


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

Silvrback blog image Influence: to affect, to sway; to move a person to action. 

As I have begun this year with a new word and looking for "delight" in things, the Lord is showing me how I allow circumstances and other people around me influence me. I have allowed them to affect or sway my attitude and (confessing now), not always in the . . .

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January 19, 2019


My "One Word" for 2019

A New Year brings freshness and expectancy.  As a "planner", I want to know what is going to happen next. However, I'm thankful that God, in His infinite wisdom and mercy, allows things to unfold. He prepares me and will sustain me through the ups and downs of life if I will let Him. 

I’m not a person who makes a list . . .

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January 11, 2019

A New Year

Happy New Year!  As I grow older, it seems as if the years are going by faster. As one year closes with memories, another one opens with great hope and expectation. I like to spend the last few days of the old year and the first few days of the new year, reflecting on God's faithfulness. 

My "one word" for 2018 was "Courage". I . . .

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January 01, 2019


A Five Minute Friday Challenge


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Praise: . . .

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October 16, 2018


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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It's Friday...what a joy to sleep in and wake up to a new day...a day full of potential.  Jesus, what do You have in store for me today as we partner together? I'm learning that this life is not so much about choosing A or B, but listening for Your voice, seeing where You are working, and joining You in that work. 

Thank . . .

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September 28, 2018


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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Loyal to the end

Faithful, trustworthy and true

Jesus my anchor.


He is my teacher.

May I be loyal to Him.

Faithful to Jesus. 


"Understand, therefore, that the Lord your God is indeed God. He is the faithful God who keeps his covenant for a thousand generations and . . .

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August 29, 2018

Under Construction

I don't know about you, but some days on my commute to work, I don't expect God to speak. Unless it's because I need to be kinder (in my mind) to my fellow travelers. However, recently, I did hear His still small voice revealing to me a truth that was manifest in a road closure and fixing of potholes. 

For 3 weekends recently, a . . .

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August 21, 2018


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