A Five Minute Friday Challenge
A large portion of my job involves giving directions to people so they can find the clinic they need to be in. I've noticed that some people walk straight past the desk, with no eye contact and keep going on their way. I assume they have been here before and know where they are going. Others make eye contact, but go on over to the . . .
Posted in: five-minute fridayfmfparty
New Year Ponderings
Plus My One Word for 2020
It's hard to believe that 2019 is over and we are almost a whole week into 2020 already. I enjoy seeing and reading the end of year reviews. There have also been the end of the decade reflections and discussions if it truly is the end of the decade. (I'm fine either way.)
Near the end of December, I tend to get . . .
Posted in: anniversarydelightmy one wordstrong
A Five Minute Friday Challenge
Recently, I was reading Isaiah 54:10,
"Though the mountains move and the hills shake, my love will not be removed from you and my covenant of peace will not be shaken,” says your compassionate Lord." (CSB)
I love the promise in this verse. Even when things feel shaky, God's faithful, . . .
Posted in: adventfive-minute fridayfmfparty
A Five Minute Friday Challenge
This summer, my youngest daughter, Rachel, was hired for her first "real" (full-time) job. Along with that job, she now has "real" (and more) bills to pay than she had in college. I have been budgeting for our family for many years now and she asked if I would help her figure out how to budget.
So, we spent several hours during the . . .
Posted in: five-minute fridayfmfparty
A Five Minute Friday Challenge
Recently I had the opportunity to fly to another state to lead a weekend event. As I was sitting, drinking my coffee and waiting to board the plane; I found myself people-watching. My mind began to wander and wonder. I began crafting back-stories in my mind. Was this person flying home? Was that person related to the one with which he . . .
Posted in: five-minute fridayfmfparty
A Five Minute Friday Challenge
//Waiting feels like sitting in a dark room when the electricity has gone out. Waiting is a part of my prayer life. A hard part, for sure. I don't always see immediate answers. The power feels like it's gone and I can't do anything, but that is exactly what Jesus wants!
He wants me to sit and be patient; to trust and have . . .
Posted in: five-minute fridayfmfpartyprayer
A Five Minute Friday Challenge
From my journal: //"Listen to My heart, My words and My will for you. When you pray, include time to listen to Me."
So often I come to my time of prayer with MY list. I'm slowly learning to spend more time in adoration and thankfulness. Can you imagine what your relationship would be like if you ALWAYS talked or complained to . . .
Posted in: five-minute fridayfmfpartyprayer