Day 3 of Write 31 Days 2021
"Peace I give you, not as the world gives," but My peace; beyond your finite understanding. Abide in Me, rest. You will find and experience My peace. It's like a calming blanket that settles your mind, heart, and body in the raging storm of life's circumstances. My peace enables you to stand and watch Me work. It's not a cop-out, but a place . . .
Posted in: 31days2021peacerest
Five Minute Friday Challenge & Day 1 of Write 31 Days 2021
Welcome to October! Kate Motaung from Five Minute Friday is hosting the 31 Day Writing Challenge - 2021. I have participated in the past (see bonus links below) and didn't think I'd do it this year. However, as I prayed about it, she shared that you don't even have to post every day, but the challenge is to write for at . . .
Posted in: 31days2021five-minute fridayfmfparty
September - Share Four Somethings
Wow, 9 months finished, just 3 more to go in 2021! Yes, it's time once again for Share Four Somethings!
Last month I was looking ahead to new eyeglasses! My prescription didn't change too much, but I was ready for new frames. Here is a side-by-side with my old glasses/new glasses; and happy to report I can . . .
Posted in: booksreflectionssharefoursomethings
Celebrating 5 Years!
(and a Five Minute Friday Exercise)
Yes, you read that correctly! 5 years ago on this very day, I wrote my first blog!
I started this blog because of the gentle nudging from the Lord. A friend at a conference also shared a "word from the Lord" that there was "writing in my fingertips". Over the years, I have trusted Him with what He has given me. I feel that my . . .
Five Minute Friday Challenge
//Back in November 2007, after several trips to the local humane society, my husband and daughters finally persuaded me to rescue a dog. Now mind you, I grew up with cats, never had a dog in my life. But, I signed the papers to bring this 6-year-old black lab home and rescue her from most likely losing her sweet life too early. Sophie . . .
Posted in: five-minute fridayfmfparty
August - Share Four Somethings
Another month has flown by and I'm sitting down to write Share Four Somethings; another brief glimpse into my ordinary, everyday life in TN. Last month I was looking ahead to co-leading a new Bible study (Growing Slow by Jennifer Dukes Lee). It was a great morning of fellowship, looking into the Scriptures, and . . .
Posted in: sharefoursomethings
Five Minute Friday Challenge

Posted in: five-minute fridayfmfparty