Focus Upward

A Proverbial Journey - Day 22

Write 31 Days - Proverbs 22:24-25

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Read: Proverbs 22

Verses: 24-25 

"Do not make friends with a hot-tempered person, do not associate with one easily angered,  or you may learn their ways and get yourself ensnared." (NIV)

I couldn't decide which version I liked best, so I gave you 3 for these verses today.

We all . . .

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October 22, 2017

A Proverbial Journey - Day 21

Write 31 Days - Proverbs 21: 26

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Read: Proverbs 21

Verse: 26 (NLT)

"Some people are always greedy for more, but the godly love to give!" 

Wow, this is such a picture of our society. So many people want more...power, wealth, prestige, the list could go on and on. However, Jesus wants us to give our time, talents and wealth back to Him. In . . .

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October 21, 2017

A Proverbial Journey - Day 20

Write 31 Days - Proverbs 20:22

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Read: Proverbs 20

Verse: 22 (NLT)

"Don’t say, “I will get even for this wrong. Wait for the Lord to handle the matter."

During this series, we've learned about how to obtain wisdom and why it's important. Today's verse instructs us to allow the Lord room to work in a situation.  At . . .

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October 21, 2017

A Proverbial Journey - Day 19

Write 31 Days - Proverbs 19:8,20

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Read: Proverbs 19

Verse: 8 and 20 (NLT)

"To acquire wisdom is to love yourself; people who cherish understanding will prosper."

"Get all the advice and instruction you can, so you will be wise the rest of your life."

There are so so many gems in the pages of Proverbs to discover and uncover! I love these . . .

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October 20, 2017

A Proverbial Journey - Day 18

Write 31 days - Proverbs 18:10

Silvrback blog imageRead: Proverbs 18

Verse: 10 (NLT)

"The name of the Lord is a strong fortress; the godly run to him and are safe."

Since I was so verbose in my last post, I'm attempting to make this one more simple. (Also, because I don't want to overwhelm you with 2 posts in one evening...don't worry, I'll catch up soon . . .

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October 19, 2017

A Proverbial Journey - Day 17

Write 31 Days - Proverbs 17: 9

Silvrback blog imageRead: Proverbs 17

Verse: 9 (NLT)

"Love prospers when a fault is forgiven, but dwelling on it separates close friends." (NLT)

"He who covers and forgives an offense seeks love, But he who repeats or gossips about a matter separates intimate friends." (AMP)

This verse is not new to me, nor is . . .

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October 19, 2017

A Proverbial Journey - Day 16

Write 31 Days - Proverbs 16: 1-3

Silvrback blog imageRead: Proverbs 16

Verse: 1-3 (NLT)

"We can make our own plans, but the Lord gives the right answer. People may be pure in their own eyes, but the Lord examines their motives. Commit your actions to the Lordand your plans will succeed."

When I have read these verses in the past, . . .

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October 18, 2017


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