Focus Upward


Five Minute Friday Challenge

Silvrback blog imageDeserve - "to do something or have or show qualities worthy of reward or punishment". So often I think of this word in the negative. We all are aware of our sinful nature, Romans 3:23 says "for we all have sinned and are in need of the glory of God."  My sin deserves punishment. The enemy would love for us to wallow in that. However, God . . .

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July 05, 2021


Five Minute Friday Challenge

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I love my instant pot. It cooks dinner in a fraction of the time of my old crockpot and to me, it feels safer. (Hello-that horrifying episode of This Is Us, where we lost our favorite and most important character of the tv series.) The instant pot builds up pressure and heat inside and has a little valve that you either let . . .

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April 11, 2021


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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By Your shed blood, I am redeemed. 

You have bought me back from the penalty of sin, I am redeemed! 

I no longer need to fear, I am redeemed.

I no longer need to doubt, I am redeemed!

Because of You, the GREAT I AM, I am redeemed.

You loved me first and loved me best, I am redeemed! 

I am . . .

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March 21, 2021


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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Last weekend I had the opportunity to attend the virtual If Gathering. What a blessing it was. I learned or rather was reminded of so many things: God is able; don't put a period, if God is not done with your story; don't settle for kiddie-pool Christianity, but go out into the deep and be anchored to Him! So many good lessons by so . . .

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March 14, 2021

February - Share Four Somethings

Wow, another month is all but completed. I think the older I get the time speeds up. Maybe not in the moment, but when I look back. 

Writing today is enabling me to cover 2 link-ups! Both at Five Minute Friday and Share Four Somethings! I pray you are blessed by my observations of God's goodness and that you'll check out another . . .

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February 28, 2021


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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 Kate said "Sunrise" and as I ruminating; the words to a hauntingly beautiful song came to my mind. 

Sunrise, sunset

Sunrise, sunset

Swiftly flow the days

Seedlings turn overnight to sunflowers

Blossoming even as we gaze


Sunrise, sunset

Sunrise, sunset

Swiftly fly the years

. . .

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February 07, 2021

Fix It

A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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This week the Five Minute Friday Challenge meets Freaky Friday. When my daughters were growing up, we watched this movie frequently, and to tell you the truth, I still enjoy it...almost 18 years after it was first released. 

If you aren't familiar with this version, here's the synopsis. "Single mother Tess Coleman (Jamie . . .

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January 24, 2021


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