Focus Upward


A Five Minute Challenge

Silvrback blog imageThe prompt this week is: Excuse

//"Excuse", noun (ik-skyoos), a plea offered in extenuation of a fault or for release from an obligation, or a promise OR "Excuse", verb (ik-skyooz), to release a . . .

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November 18, 2017


A Five Minute Challenge

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Last month, as many of you know, I wrote a blog post a day for 31 days. I NEEDED a break. So, I've had a few days of just reading and "being" and now, I'm ready to write on most Fridays again.

There are so many needs in this world.

Some need peace, others need rest. 

Some need a job, others need to . . .

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November 05, 2017

A Year of Blogging!

Happy 1st Anniversary

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Wow, I can't believe I've been writing for 1 year today. The picture above is a small collage from some of my personal favorites from the past year.

Thank you to all who have read and encouraged me along the way. I know I have more stories and more insights to share. The Lord isn't finished with me yet. The last month or so has . . .

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September 22, 2017

We All Need Support

A Five Minute Challenge

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The prompt this week is: Support - Go!
Support means "to bear or hold up, to give assistance, to be actively interested in and concerned for the success of a person or cause". 
I love the idea of being supported and also being supportive of others. Over the years, my parents, . . .

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September 17, 2017


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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The prompt this week is: Work, GO! 

Work is a "4 letter word". Ha ha, that popped into my head this morning, as I was pondering where this post would go. Sometimes work as in a job, or a workout for exercise is not so fun...something we have to do. It has a negative connotation.  

There have been days that . . .

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September 09, 2017

A Neighborly Haiku

A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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The prompt this week is "Neighbor", GO!

I saw the prompt and it was fairly obvious what the "slant" of my post should be. Be a good neighbor, especially in the wake of the devastation from Hurricane Harvey. It left a path of destruction from TX, through TN (where I live) and even out to the east coast. I've watched much of it on . . .

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September 02, 2017


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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The prompt this week is: GUIDE, GO! 

My husband, Jonathan, and I took dancing lessons as a present to ourselves for our 20th wedding anniversary (8 years ago) and as a favor to a friend. Little did we know that we would love dancing so much! It is a great way to get some exercise and meet new friends. However, the underlying . . .

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August 26, 2017


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