The prompt this week is: Excuse
//"Excuse", a noun (ik-skyoo
The other night I was trying to keep up with an online Twitter party. I almost gave up watching hashtags, responding, liking etc. My excuse? I didn't quite understand how this all works and it is kind of fast paced and I was tired...etc., etc. Then I saw the word prompt for today..."Excuse". I was glad I stuck with the online party because it was fun to read the others' answers and found out that several of us like to watch the same movie when we are sick. However, my mind got stuck on both of the ways to pronounce the same word.
How often do we make up an excuse...we are too tired, we don't understand etc. and try to get out of something? Sometimes it's not a big deal, but other times we try to negotiate with God. That's when I can get myself into trouble!
Then the other pronunciation of "excuse". Am I willing to excuse someone else? Can I "let them off the hook"? Can I offer them grace? I know I should...but will I? Or will I come up with another excuse?\\
Psalm 86:5 "But you, O Lord, are a God of compassion and mercy, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness." (NLT)
Bonus: I read this great blog post by Jennifer Dukes Lee about gratitude and felt like I had no excuse for not spending the next 7 days of counting my blessings in my daily life. I'd love to know if you are going to join me by commenting below. I'll be posting on Instagram and Facebook.
This post is part of Kate Motaung's "Five Minute Friday," which she hosts on the Five Minute Friday website. Kate posts a single word each week and each blogger sets a timer for 5 minutes to write and then posts, with very little editing. Check out the other writers this week!
Did you miss some posts of "A Proverbial Journey"? Here is the Introduction.