A Five Minute Friday Challenge
"Return" - to go or come back, as to a former place, position, or state.
This past Sunday, we "returned" to some good memories of the last 8 years with our pastor, as this was his last day with our congregation. It's amazing to remember what our church was like 8 years ago and to see where the Lord has brought us today. . . .
Posted in: five-minute fridayfmfparty
A Five Minute Friday Challenge
Today I am finally pausing to finish the blog with the Five Minute Friday word from May 25th. "PAUSE".
The other night, I was watching tv and got a phone call and went to hit pause on the remote, but it just kept playing. I had to be more intentional to make sure I hit that little button in the right spot on the remote before the tv . . .
Posted in: five-minute fridayfmfparty
A Five Minute Friday Challenge
The last few weeks I have been on a journey with the Lord. He has reminded me of the title of my blog, "Focus Upward" and why I named it that. It was so I would always look to Him for direction.
However, I have recently found myself being tempted to turn or pay attention to other things and other people. It's so easy to . . .
Posted in: five-minute fridayfmfparty
A Five Minute Friday Challenge
Release "to be free from pain or anything that restrains, to give up or relinquish". As I was at work this past week, I realized that my arm was free - RELEASED - of pain!
You see, back in September, I started having intermittent pain in my left forearm. Somedays it was so bad I couldn't even pick up a half gallon of milk! I . . .
Posted in: five-minute fridayfmfparty
A Five Minute Friday Challenge
I am almost too late for last week's Five Minute Friday, but I couldn't let this here I GO!
//Somedays, being tired is more a state of mind, than a physical condition. Busyness (mostly of my own doing) and getting up early 4 days a week for work, are also culprits. However, I found out this past weekend, that . . .
Posted in: five-minute fridayfmfparty
A Five Minute Friday Challenge
//There are so many different ways to look at BEAUTY.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Beauty is fleeting...
One of my favorite Scriptures is from Isaiah 61:3, where God promises to make BEAUTY from ashes.
"To all who mourn in Israel, he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous . . .
Posted in: five-minute fridayfmfparty
A Five Minute Challenge
To agree or not
That is the dilemma now
Just love like Jesus.
//I think people have long forgotten the old adage "Agree to disagree". So many people seem so angry all the time. However, I think that's the wrong phrase. A new phrase that keeps rolling around in my mind that I heard Graham Cooke say the other . . .
Posted in: five-minute fridayfmfparty