Focus Upward


My "one word" for 2017!

I have taken these first weeks of January 2017 to reflect on 2016 and to ask God what He wants for me in 2017. I had a couple of words in mind but settled on "peace" as my "one word" for 2017.

This word was firmly placed in my mind and heart on January 3rd. This year I'm re-reading Sarah Young's devotional  Jesus Calling and . . .

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January 16, 2017

New Year Reflections

Happy last day of 2016! Looking back on this year, I'm so grateful that the Lord walked with me every step of the way. I know He is always there, but in 2016, I really focused on seeing Him move in my life and in the circumstances around me.

The last few years, instead of making a new year resolution, which I don't usually keep, I've . . .

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December 31, 2016

Advent - Joy and Peace

Weeks 3 and 4

Joy and Peace, these are the words for the last 2 Sundays of Advent. I'm reminded of the Christmas carol, Joy to the World, that says, "repeat the sounding joy". I always read that phrase as to repeat the sounds of joy - as in cheer, laughter, or happiness. The sounds of children at Christmas. However, the definition of "sounding" as a . . .

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Posted in: adventjoy

December 24, 2016

Advent - Hope and Love

Weeks 1 and 2

During this season of Advent, I am reading a daily devotional and paying more attention to the Sunday focus of Advent. The first week we focused on hope. I love Hebrews 6:19, NLT:

"This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God's inner sanctuary."

Wow, what a picture of the . . .

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Posted in: adventhopelove

December 11, 2016


 We have just celebrated Thanksgiving and I was blessed to spend some extended time with my precious family of 4 and good friends! It was so much fun to have time to play cards, eat, go shopping, talk and catch up on each others' lives.

As I sat and reflected this morning on the wonderful memories, I was reminded of Lysa TerKeurst's . . .

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November 27, 2016


Hello, friends! I saw the email from Kate Motaung's "Five Minute Friday," which she hosts on her blog and on Facebook. I knew with work I was not going to be able to write on Friday. So, I started this on Saturday and even though it is now Monday...I still wanted to share with you!

Friday's prompt was "enjoy".

Enjoy - there . . .

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November 21, 2016

A New Normal?

Today, I'm continuing my reflections on "Uninvited" by Lysa TerKeurst. Chapter 7 is all about When Our Normal Gets Snatched. Wow, that is a loaded statement. I don't know about you, but I like the "known", the "predictable", the "comfortable", and the "normal".

Our normal can get "snatched" from us almost daily..a bad day, a bad report . . .

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November 05, 2016


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