Focus Upward

A Proverbial Journey - An Introduction

Write 31 Days - Proverbs

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Come along on a journey with me for the next 31 days!  I've joined the write 31 days challenge (it's not too late for you to join us) hosted by Crystal Stine.

During the month of October, I will be writing on Proverbs. The book of Proverbs has 31 chapters and fits perfectly in October to read 1 Proverb each . . .

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September 30, 2017

God is in the Fixing Business

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Welcome to chapter 16 of "Uninvited" by Lysa TerKeurst. It has taken me almost a year to finish this series. Part of it was a new job and the other part? Well, I learned so much and grew so much, it was hard to see it end. I am a different person than I was in September of 2016! Praise the Lord! I feel as if God has peeled off some rough . . .

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Posted in: uninvited

September 28, 2017

A Year of Blogging!

Happy 1st Anniversary

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Wow, I can't believe I've been writing for 1 year today. The picture above is a small collage from some of my personal favorites from the past year.

Thank you to all who have read and encouraged me along the way. I know I have more stories and more insights to share. The Lord isn't finished with me yet. The last month or so has . . .

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September 22, 2017

We All Need Support

A Five Minute Challenge

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The prompt this week is: Support - Go!
Support means "to bear or hold up, to give assistance, to be actively interested in and concerned for the success of a person or cause". 
I love the idea of being supported and also being supportive of others. Over the years, my parents, . . .

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September 17, 2017

I Want to Run Away

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I was intrigued by the title of this chapter. I remember when I was little I'd "threaten" my parents that they were being unfair and I was going to run away. I may have a little tiny area in the yard across the street. Needless to say, I wasn't gone long and could have been found easily. 

At times, rejection makes us . . .

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Posted in: uninvited

September 11, 2017


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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The prompt this week is: Work, GO! 

Work is a "4 letter word". Ha ha, that popped into my head this morning, as I was pondering where this post would go. Sometimes work as in a job, or a workout for exercise is not so fun...something we have to do. It has a negative connotation.  

There have been days that . . .

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September 09, 2017

A Neighborly Haiku

A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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The prompt this week is "Neighbor", GO!

I saw the prompt and it was fairly obvious what the "slant" of my post should be. Be a good neighbor, especially in the wake of the devastation from Hurricane Harvey. It left a path of destruction from TX, through TN (where I live) and even out to the east coast. I've watched much of it on . . .

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September 02, 2017


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