Focus Upward
A Five Minute Friday Challenge
This week's Five Minute Friday Challenge prompt was "future". Go!
When I was younger, I always thought about my future...I wanted to graduate high school and college, I wanted to get married and have children. You know, the basic stuff. However, I was always looking ahead. Some days, I was more anxious than others about what . . .
Posted in: five-minute fridayfmfpartyno fearpeace
The Enemy's Plan Against You
This quote is such a good reminder from "Uninvited" by Lysa TerKeurst in chapter 12.
"The devil is vicious, but he is NOT victorious". I'm so thankful that Jesus' work on the cross was complete and whole. Everything that I have ever done or will do, is covered by His . . .
Posted in: uninvited
A Five Minute Friday Challenge
Today as I reflect on the word "mom" several things come to mind.
1. I am a daughter...I love my Mom dearly because she has been . . .
Posted in: five-minute fridayfmfparty
Do You Need More...?
A Five Minute Friday Challenge
Hello, friends! This post is part of Kate Motaung's "Five Minute Friday," which she hosts on her blog and on Facebook. This week's prompt was "more".
As I sat and pondered the word "more", I reflected on how our society always wants "more". Anything that is bigger, must certainly be better. I also thought now that . . .
Posted in: five-minute fridayfmfpartymore
Feeling Rejected?
10 Things to Remember
Chapter 11 in "Uninvited" (by Lysa TerKeurst) talks about 10 things that we need to remember when we feel rejected.
1. "One rejection is not a projection of future failures." A rejection doesn't mean that you are rejected or a failure. It just means that it didn't work out this's a circumstance from which to learn.
2. . . .
Posted in: uninvited
Not Threatened by Others' Success
Chapter 10 in "Uninvited" (by Lysa TerKeurst) talks about how we are to maximize God, which keeps our weaknesses in perspective. I love the quote in the picture, "There is an abundant need in this world for your exact brand of beautiful."
Let that sink in one else can bring to this world, what you can. God created you for a . . .
Posted in: uninvited
Set Apart
It has been awhile since I've blogged about Lysa TerKeurst's Book "Uninvited" but I keep feeling this nudging from the Lord to finish. So, I'm going to try to do that over the next few months and hope you will join in the journey. Check out all the posts in this category on my bio page.
I truly enjoyed this book and it opened . . .
Posted in: uninvited