Focus Upward

Where is your "place"?

A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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The prompt on Five Minute Friday is PLACE - GO! 

“You're off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting,
So... get on your way!” 
― Dr. SeussOh, The Places You'll Go!

I love this storybook by Dr. Suess. It's filled with hope. I haven't moved much in my life, my parents still live in . . .

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August 13, 2017


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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This week's prompt is "Try". GO 

Try means to strive. As a type A personality and a person who has tendencies towards perfectionism, I don't think I could be accused of not trying. I have always wanted to do my best in everything. School work came easily and I also like to please others. 

Have you ever . . .

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August 04, 2017


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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This week's prompt is: Inspire - GO! 

So, last week's prompt was "collect" and I couldn't think of anything, that word was not "inspiring" me to write, so I took a week off. This week at work I spoke with one of our volunteers and she shared that she was going to a Vintage Christmas Collectors Convention. I never . . .

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July 29, 2017


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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The prompt for this week is "comfort".  As I sat throughout the day thinking and pondering, many thoughts came to my mind. Comfort food - soup, chocolate, anything bready or starchy.  What is your favorite comfort food? Being comfortable - in our own skin, in our homes, putting on comfy clothes after a long . . .

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July 15, 2017


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

Silvrback blog imageThis week's Five Minute Friday Challenge prompt was "future". Go! 

When I was younger, I always thought about my future...I wanted to graduate high school and college, I wanted to get married and have children. You know, the basic stuff. However, I was always looking ahead. Some days, I was more anxious than others about what . . .

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June 03, 2017


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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Today as I reflect on the word "mom" several things come to mind. 

1. I am a daughter...I love my Mom dearly because she has been . . .

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May 14, 2017

Do You Need More...?

A Five Minute Friday Challenge

Hello, friends! This post is part of Kate Motaung's "Five Minute Friday," which she hosts on her blog and on Facebook. This week's prompt was "more". 

As I sat and pondered the word "more", I reflected on how our society always wants "more". Anything that is bigger, must certainly be better. I also thought now that . . .

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April 29, 2017


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