Focus Upward


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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The last few weeks I have been on a journey with the Lord. He has reminded me of the title of my blog, "Focus Upward" and why I named it that. It was so I would always look to Him for direction.

However, I have recently found myself being tempted to turn or pay attention to other things and other people. It's so easy to . . .

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April 22, 2018


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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Release "to be free from pain or anything that restrains, to give up or relinquish". As I was at work this past week, I realized that my arm was free - RELEASED - of pain!

You see, back in September, I started having intermittent pain in my left forearm. Somedays it was so bad I couldn't even pick up a half gallon of milk! I . . .

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April 08, 2018


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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I am almost too late for last week's Five Minute Friday, but I couldn't let this here I GO!

//Somedays, being tired is more a state of mind, than a physical condition. Busyness (mostly of my own doing) and getting up early 4 days a week for work, are also culprits. However, I found out this past weekend, that . . .

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March 15, 2018


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

 Silvrback blog image//There are so many different ways to look at BEAUTY.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Beauty is fleeting...

One of my favorite Scriptures is from Isaiah 61:3, where God promises to make BEAUTY from ashes. 

"To all who mourn in Israel, he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous . . .

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February 25, 2018


A Five Minute Challenge

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To agree or not

That is the dilemma now

Just love like Jesus.

//I think people have long forgotten the old adage "Agree to disagree". So many people seem so angry all the time. However, I think that's the wrong phrase. A new phrase that keeps rolling around in my mind that I heard Graham Cooke say the other . . .

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February 07, 2018


A Five Minute Challenge

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Surrender means to give up, to abandon, to yield or resign. I have always considered "Surrender" in a negative context. I have to give up something or stop doing something. Such as in the imagery of putting one's hands up (as in CSI or Blue Bloods) when someone is being arrested in the presence of the police. The person is guilty and . . .

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January 28, 2018

Simply Motivate to Courage

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//Happy New Year everyone. Even though we are already 2 weeks into 2018, I feel like I'm still finding my way. I've had it in my mind and heart to write 3 blog posts already and have just not found the motivation (or headspace or time) to sit down and write. So, I'm finding the courage to write again and in . . .

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January 17, 2018


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