We have just celebrated Thanksgiving and I was blessed to spend some extended time with my precious family of 4 and good friends! It was so much fun to have time to play cards, eat, go shopping, talk and catch up on each others' lives.
As I sat and reflected this morning on the wonderful memories, I was reminded of Lysa TerKeurst's . . .
Posted in: faithinspirationuninvited
Hello, friends! I saw the email from Kate Motaung's "Five Minute Friday," which she hosts on her blog and on Facebook. I knew with work I was not going to be able to write on Friday. So, I started this on Saturday and even though it is now Monday...I still wanted to share with you!
Friday's prompt was "enjoy".
Enjoy - there . . .
Posted in: five-minute friday
A New Normal?
Today, I'm continuing my reflections on "Uninvited" by Lysa TerKeurst. Chapter 7 is all about When Our Normal Gets Snatched. Wow, that is a loaded statement. I don't know about you, but I like the "known", the "predictable", the "comfortable", and the "normal".
Our normal can get "snatched" from us almost daily..a bad day, a bad report . . .
Posted in: faithinspirationuninvited
Happy Reflections!
Write 31 Days Challenge - Day 31
When I felt the Lord nudging me to join this Write 31 Days Challenge, it seemed so crazy. I was just launching my first blog a few days before I was going to need to write and post EVERY SINGLE DAY for a MONTH!
Well, I did it! Here we are at Day 31! Actually, it was not me, it was God who did it through me. I have lived Philippians 4:13 . . .
Posted in: faithinspirationwrite31days
Friendships that Honor God
Write 31 Days Challenge - Day 30
What a beautiful reminder this quote is for me from Chapter 6, Friendship Breakups, in Lysa TerKeurst's "Uninvited". The whole message of the book is getting past rejection and to "live loved".
At times friendships and relationships can be easy and other times they can be hard. In the hard times, God has reminded me that the friendship . . .
Posted in: faithinspirationuninvitedwrite31days
Scripture Saturday
Write 31 Days Challenge - Day 29
This is another one of my favorite Scriptures! It brings peace to my soul. God is always with me and will uphold me!
What is your favorite Scripture that brings you peace?
Connect with the rest of my write 31 days series.
Connect with other bloggers writing about inspiration and faith.
Posted in: faithinspirationwrite31days
Write 31 Days Challenge - Day 28
My husband and I are leading a retreat this weekend. As I was deciding what to write for today, I looked up the meaning of "retreat". It is the "act of withdrawing, as into safety or privacy; seclusion." It can also be "a place of refuge" or a "time to get away for a period of time for religious exercises and meditation."
All of those . . .
Posted in: faithinspirationrestwrite31days