Not Threatened by Others' Success
Chapter 10 in "Uninvited" (by Lysa TerKeurst) talks about how we are to maximize God, which keeps our weaknesses in perspective. I love the quote in the picture, "There is an abundant need in this world for your exact brand of beautiful."
Let that sink in one else can bring to this world, what you can. God created you for a . . .
Posted in: uninvited
Set Apart
It has been awhile since I've blogged about Lysa TerKeurst's Book "Uninvited" but I keep feeling this nudging from the Lord to finish. So, I'm going to try to do that over the next few months and hope you will join in the journey. Check out all the posts in this category on my bio page.
I truly enjoyed this book and it opened . . .
Posted in: uninvited
A Five Minute Friday Challenge
Hello, friends! This post is part of Kate Motaung's "Five Minute Friday," which she hosts on her blog and on Facebook. Even though it is no longer Friday, I still wanted to share a few thoughts and a song with you.
Friday's prompt was "weak".
As I looked at the word "weak" I was reminded of the verse in II Corinthians 12:9 (NLT):
. . .Posted in: five-minute fridaystrengthweakness
My "one word" for 2017!
I have taken these first weeks of January 2017 to reflect on 2016 and to ask God what He wants for me in 2017. I had a couple of words in mind but settled on "peace" as my "one word" for 2017.
This word was firmly placed in my mind and heart on January 3rd. This year I'm re-reading Sarah Young's devotional Jesus Calling and . . .
Posted in: my one wordnew yearpeacereflections
New Year Reflections
Happy last day of 2016! Looking back on this year, I'm so grateful that the Lord walked with me every step of the way. I know He is always there, but in 2016, I really focused on seeing Him move in my life and in the circumstances around me.
The last few years, instead of making a new year resolution, which I don't usually keep, I've . . .
Posted in: my one wordnew yearreflections
Advent - Joy and Peace
Weeks 3 and 4
Joy and Peace, these are the words for the last 2 Sundays of Advent. I'm reminded of the Christmas carol, Joy to the World, that says, "repeat the sounding joy". I always read that phrase as to repeat the sounds of joy - as in cheer, laughter, or happiness. The sounds of children at Christmas. However, the definition of "sounding" as a . . .
Advent - Hope and Love
Weeks 1 and 2
During this season of Advent, I am reading a daily devotional and paying more attention to the Sunday focus of Advent. The first week we focused on hope. I love Hebrews 6:19, NLT:
"This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God's inner sanctuary."
Wow, what a picture of the . . .