Focus Upward

New Year Reflections

Happy last day of 2016! Looking back on this year, I'm so grateful that the Lord walked with me every step of the way. I know He is always there, but in 2016, I really focused on seeing Him move in my life and in the circumstances around me.

The last few years, instead of making a new year resolution, which I don't usually keep, I've . . .

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December 31, 2016

Advent - Joy and Peace

Weeks 3 and 4

Joy and Peace, these are the words for the last 2 Sundays of Advent. I'm reminded of the Christmas carol, Joy to the World, that says, "repeat the sounding joy". I always read that phrase as to repeat the sounds of joy - as in cheer, laughter, or happiness. The sounds of children at Christmas. However, the definition of "sounding" as a . . .

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Posted in: adventjoy

December 24, 2016

Advent - Hope and Love

Weeks 1 and 2

During this season of Advent, I am reading a daily devotional and paying more attention to the Sunday focus of Advent. The first week we focused on hope. I love Hebrews 6:19, NLT:

"This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God's inner sanctuary."

Wow, what a picture of the . . .

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Posted in: adventhopelove

December 11, 2016


 We have just celebrated Thanksgiving and I was blessed to spend some extended time with my precious family of 4 and good friends! It was so much fun to have time to play cards, eat, go shopping, talk and catch up on each others' lives.

As I sat and reflected this morning on the wonderful memories, I was reminded of Lysa TerKeurst's . . .

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November 27, 2016


Hello, friends! I saw the email from Kate Motaung's "Five Minute Friday," which she hosts on her blog and on Facebook. I knew with work I was not going to be able to write on Friday. So, I started this on Saturday and even though it is now Monday...I still wanted to share with you!

Friday's prompt was "enjoy".

Enjoy - there . . .

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November 21, 2016

A New Normal?

Today, I'm continuing my reflections on "Uninvited" by Lysa TerKeurst. Chapter 7 is all about When Our Normal Gets Snatched. Wow, that is a loaded statement. I don't know about you, but I like the "known", the "predictable", the "comfortable", and the "normal".

Our normal can get "snatched" from us almost daily..a bad day, a bad report . . .

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November 05, 2016

Happy Reflections!

Write 31 Days Challenge - Day 31

loading....When I felt the Lord nudging me to join this Write 31 Days Challenge, it seemed so crazy. I was just launching my first blog a few days before I was going to need to write and post EVERY SINGLE DAY for a MONTH!

Well, I did it! Here we are at Day 31! Actually, it was not me, it was God who did it through me. I have lived Philippians 4:13 . . .

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October 31, 2016


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