Focus Upward


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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The prompt this week is: GUIDE, GO! 

My husband, Jonathan, and I took dancing lessons as a present to ourselves for our 20th wedding anniversary (8 years ago) and as a favor to a friend. Little did we know that we would love dancing so much! It is a great way to get some exercise and meet new friends. However, the underlying . . .

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August 26, 2017


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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The prompt this week prompt was: SPEAK, Go.
I am more prone to listen than to speak, almost to a fault. I am an only child and growing up was around adults a lot. I was good at listening. 
However, the Lord is doing a new thing in me the last few weeks and I know I need to . . .

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August 19, 2017

Where is your "place"?

A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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The prompt on Five Minute Friday is PLACE - GO! 

“You're off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting,
So... get on your way!” 
― Dr. SeussOh, The Places You'll Go!

I love this storybook by Dr. Suess. It's filled with hope. I haven't moved much in my life, my parents still live in . . .

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August 13, 2017

Moving Through the Desperate In-Between

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In Chapter 14 of "Uninvited", Lysa TerKuerst uses Psalm 91 as a prayer to work through the in-between times from rejection to healing. Reading and meditating on Scripture is healing and strength-giving.

I have to admit, sometimes the in-between seems like a desert...a no man's land of sorts. You want to move forward, but can't . . .

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Posted in: uninvited

August 09, 2017


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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This week's prompt is "Try". GO 

Try means to strive. As a type A personality and a person who has tendencies towards perfectionism, I don't think I could be accused of not trying. I have always wanted to do my best in everything. School work came easily and I also like to please others. 

Have you ever . . .

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August 04, 2017


A Five Minute Friday Challenge

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This week's prompt is: Inspire - GO! 

So, last week's prompt was "collect" and I couldn't think of anything, that word was not "inspiring" me to write, so I took a week off. This week at work I spoke with one of our volunteers and she shared that she was going to a Vintage Christmas Collectors Convention. I never . . .

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July 29, 2017

Miracles in the Mess

I love the title of chapter 13 "Uninvited" by Lysa TerKeurst. Often God hides miracles in the midst of the mess and chaos of the circumstances in our lives. 

She shares several stories from the Gospels of how before and after the each miracle, the disciples and others often  "laughed" at Jesus, didn't believe Him, or didn't . . .

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Posted in: uninvited

July 19, 2017


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