Well, I had good intentions of posting this in March, but then I had what I believe was food poisoning and...well, now it's April. I'm linking up with Jennifer Goodwin on her Overflowing with Thankfulness blog.
Check out her blog and the other writers who contributed for March.
Something Loved: I loved spending my birthday with my husband and parents in my hometown. It was a quick 4-day trip to Ohio, but it was so worth it to spend some much-needed time together. We ate at 2 of our favorite restaurants and picked up some of our favorite doughnuts from White House Fruit Farm where I worked during college breaks. One of my former co-workers still works there! A fun trip, indeed.
Something Read: Check out these 2 novels from Patricia Raybon. All That is Secret and Double the Lies.
From Patricia's website:
"In the winter of 1923, Professor Annalee Spain―a daring but overworked theologian at a small Chicago Bible college―receives a cryptic telegram calling her home to Denver to solve the murder of her beloved but estranged father.
For a young Black woman, searching for answers in a city ruled by the KKK could mean real danger. Still, with her literary hero Sherlock Holmes as inspiration, Annalee launches her hunt for clues, attracting two surprising allies: Eddie, a relentless young orphan searching for his missing father, and Jack, a handsome young Black pastor who loves nightclub dancing and fast cars―awakening Annalee's heart to the surprising highs and lows of romance and love.
With their help, Annalee follows clues that land her among Denver's powerful elite. But when her sleuthing unravels sinister motives and deep secrets, will Annalee outlast all that is secret that would make her a victim, too?"
Patricia is a wonderful story-teller and brings this historical novel to life through her masterful character development.
Check out these 2 novels and let me know if you read them and what you think. I'm ready for #3!

God’s love is meteoric,
His loyalty astronomic,
His purpose titanic,
His verdicts oceanic.
Yet in His largeness
nothing gets lost;
Not a man, not a mouse,
slips through the cracks.
How exquisite Your love, O God!
How eager we are to run under Your wings,
To eat our fill at the banquet you spread
as You fill our tankards with Eden spring water.
You’re a fountain of cascading light,
and You open our eyes to light.
Something Eaten: I forgot to take pictures of the breakfast buffet at Dutch Haus, and the cheese manicotti from DeRienzo's, but here is a picture of some of the doughnuts from White House Fruit Farm.
I'd love to hear what you have loved, read, learned, or eaten in the last month!