Days and weeks keep ticking by and we have come to the end of another month. August used to be the time for new backpacks, school supplies, and meeting new teachers. It felt like a new beginning, a time for a restart. However, now that our children are grown, August is just a hot month here in TN. Here is my "hot take" for August Share Four Somethings, hosted by Heather Gerwing. Don't forget to hop over to her website to read the other blogs.
Something Loved: One of the highlights of this month was being blessed by a friend who gave us tickets to see Michael Bublé in concert! My husband and I both enjoy his music, but wow, he is phenomenal in person. The set, the lighting, his 30-piece orchestra, and backup singers are all top-notch. He performed for 2 hours with no intermission. We enjoyed the club-level seating and food, too. It was an evening to remember and so glad that we were spontaneous and did something super fun, even on a work night!
Something Gleaned: Speaking of fun...I've started Annie F. Downs's newest book, Chase the Fun: 100 Days to Discover Fun Right Where You Are. Maybe this should also go under the "Something Braved" category since I'm feeling a little brave signing up for the experience of doing it with around 2000 others and joining a private Instagram group (well, mostly reading what others are experiencing).
On Day 3 she says, "All it takes for an activity to go spiritual is if you ask your heart questions as you do it." She explains that you can be on a roller coaster or doing a puzzle, ask questions about why you are finding so much enjoyment in it and see where God leads you.
I found myself doing this at the Michael Bublé concert. I found myself welling up with tears in my eyes and my heart overflowing. I was full of gratitude to my friend for the gift of the experience. I felt seen by God, because both Jonathan and I thought it would be wonderful to go to the concert, but didn't want to be up so late with work the next day and thought the tickets would be expensive. We have a lavish God! I was also overwhelmed by the creativity and skill of the performers and realized that God gives all people gifts and talents whether they recognize Him or not. Even though the music was not specifically Christian or spiritual, I was having a spiritual moment in a huge arena with several thousand people. I was also having fun...a lot of fun!
Something Braved or Saved: Here is a picture I saved in my photos of our new dishes! We couldn't remember when we bought our last set.
Something Achieved: I have been wanting to try Stitch Fix for quite a while now. It's an online store where you take a quiz that describes your style, colors, price point, etc. I finally signed up and am looking forward to seeing what clothes or accessories they send me to try! Here is a screenshot of a couple of my options.
Happy September everyone, it's right around the corner, along with pumpkin lattes!