Read: Proverbs 27
Verse: 1 (NLT)
"Don’t brag about tomorrow, since you don’t know what the day will bring."
This verse really stuck out when I read it. We are not guaranteed tomorrow and God is calling us to live in the present. As I was reading, I felt like He nudged me to read "don't over-schedule tomorrow, because you don't know what I have in store for you."
I am a planner and I take comfort in knowing what's coming next. As I was thinking about this verse it reminded me of the movie "Evan Almighty". Evan thought that "life was going exactly as planned" until God showed up. He was to build an ark and God (played by Morgan Freeman) kept giving him "signs" that Evan couldn't hide or miss (his beard grows back immediately after he shaves, animals come to work 2 by 2, and lumber shows up in his yard). Evan lost his job, his family turned away for awhile and he was discouraged. He asked God what was going on...and God said "You want to change the world? So do I!" In the end, his family helped him build the ark and he saved the city from a flood. He also learned that "ark" stands for an "act of random kindness".
It's a cute movie, but I don't want to miss this point. Am I too busy to see God's invitation to follow Him and do His will? Have I missed treating others to a "random act of kindness", because I have over-scheduled my days, weeks or months? When I get too busy and therefore too tired, my "Jesus receptors" are not are "fine-tuned".
I read Bonnie Gray's blog and she is the author of "Finding Spiritual Whitespace". She shares much of her testimony and her quest for restoration in the midst of our busy lives.
"How many of us find ourselves running on empty with no time for rest, no time for ourselves, no time for God? We all need spiritual whitespace. It’s the space on a page left unmarked. Whitespace makes art beautiful. It gives the eye a place to rest. Without it, clutter takes over. Just as beautiful art needs whitespace, our souls need spiritual whitespace — a place to rest in order to find balance and beauty...create space in the everyday for God, refreshment, and faith—right in the midst of our stress-frayed lives."
At times I have over-scheduled myself and have left little room for "white space" in my mind and daily activities. God and I are working on this! This weekend I want to readjust my "Jesus-receptors". I want to read, rest and listen to Him, so I'm ready for my next assignment...whenever He chooses to invite me!
What are you doing this weekend?
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